※お支払いはカード決済のみ(Visa、Master Card、American Express、JCB)
※審査用に720ml×2本または 500ml×3本をご用意ください(1,500ml相当)
* The payment should be made simultaneously with the entry.
* Only card payments will be accepted.(Visa、Master Card、American Express、JCB)
* There is no limit to the number of entries from a single company (brewery).
* Please provide 2 x 720ml or 3 x 500ml bottles (approximately 1,500ml) for judging.
含まれる費用 / Included in the fee:
- 日本から輸送希望の場合、日本指定倉庫からオーストラリア指定倉庫までの輸送費 / In the case of 'Shipping from Japan' ; Transportation from designated warehouse in Japan to Australia
- コンクール運営費 / Competition administration
- 表彰状作成費 / Certificate of Recognition
- 広報・宣伝活動費など運営費 / Publicity and promotional activities
登録料 / Registration fees:
出品数に合わせて、以下のリンクをクリックしお支払い手続きを進めてください。該当の出品数がない場合は、恐れ入りますが、いくつかリンクを組み合わせてお支払いいただきますようお願い申し上げます。/ Click on the link below to proceed with the payment process. If the specific number of entries you wish to purchase is not available as a single option, we kindly ask you to combine multiple links to complete your payment.
1銘柄出品 / 1 Entry AU$ 330 2銘柄出品 / 2 Entries AU$ 660 3銘柄出品 / 3 Entries AU$ 990 4銘柄出品 / 4 Entries AU$ 1,320 5銘柄出品 / 5 Entries AU$ 1,650